Thursday 5 September 2013

The govt. food guidelines

When is comes to he govt and their promises of what they are going to do for us, most of us think they are just lying, especially when it comes to election time!

Now what is funny is they dont believe their promises but when it comes to govt guidelines for eating people just take their word that the food pyramid is what they should be eating! People are thinking why would they lie to us about what we should be eating?

It's all about keep the big pharmaceutical companies, sponsors (a sponsor of the heart foundation is flora proactive margarine)
It is also based on very outdated research and they most likely believe they would look like fools if these guidelines were to change dramatically, I mean who likes to admit they were so wrong??

Bottom line is follow the money talks...

Think about this: Australians are becoming sicker and more overweight...why...???? 100 years ago obesity was pretty rare..these were the days of butter, lard, eggs, soil that wasn't devoid of nutrients, lots of local fresh grown produce (no way to import foods, except by ship!) and less technology, so more moving around for us, and not much around in the way of processed foods

So what do we have now?? pretty much the opposite of the above, people do not move as much, processed foods, depleted soil (vitamin/mineral deficiencies) and of course the introduction of refining oil techniques (cheaper to produce than coconut oil, butter/lard) the introduction of our best friend MARGARINE, trans/hydrogenated fats, E numbers, refined grain products and of course the big one, the increase in the amount of sugar we consume...they put it in EVERYTHING! But what I love is the fact that after everyone was told to lower their saturated intake..and they did...the incidence of heart disease continues to rise...hmmmm...but wait...if this saturated fat/cholesterol was the cause of heart disease surely the heart disease incidence figures would have at a minimum stayed the same, if not decreased??
Well yes....DEATH by CVD has decreased...this is only due to better technology, better medications and better diagnostics, but the INCIDENCE (diagnoses) of CVD has not decreased.

Food for thought

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